Practice Areas

There are four major departments in the Firm, each headed by senior solicitors with comprehensive knowledge and experience in that particular field of law. The four major departments are Corporate Finance & Commercial Department, Conveyancing Department, Litigation Department and China Department.

The Firm also offers Private Clients & Related Services which provide legal services in the field of matrimonial issues, tax planning, probate issues, secretarial matters and others, reflecting the Firm’s commitment to cater for the specific needs of each and every client.

Finance & Commercial

Venture capital/business angels funding arrangements

Business/company sales and purchase agreements

Non-standard (negotiated) customer agreements/Non-disclosure agreements

Bidding/teaming agreements & bidding documentation

Preparing Powers of Attorney


Taking declarations, Affidavits, Oaths and Acknowledgments

Preparing Powers of Attorney

Data Protection Act and privacy policies

Employment policies such as disciplinary, grievance, illness and equal opportunities


Standard customer agreements/terms and conditions of business

E-commerce advice/advice on trading online/legal website review

Providing certificates certifying the genuineness of documents

Attesting execution of documents

Business and private clients services


Our market niche is local and overseas business and private clients who require a combination of professionalism, practicalism, cross border skills, sound local knowledge and a results-oriented approach to resolve their business problems. Our clients range from publicly listed companies, developers, banks, private companies and individuals, to different Government bodies. The key business sectors advised are: Banking and Financial Services, International Trade, Private Equity, Energy, Food and Beverage and Hospitality, Consumer Products, Media and Information Technology. To find out more about our services, please click on the practice areas below.

Notary Public


What are notaries and what services can they provide: A Notary or Notary Public is a person, often in Hong Kong a Solicitor, having through additional qualifications and training been granted the capacity and power to act in legal transactions most frequently associated with foreign jurisdictions. The education, training, and appointment of candidates are supervised by the Master of the Court of Faculties

Following admission the Master regulates the professional practice of all Notaries and issues an annual Practicing Certificate. The qualification of a Notary is internationally recognized. The acts of the Notary have special evidential status and weight abroad. The Notary often acts in a way that bridges any differences between the legal system of one nation with that of another so as to give lawful effect to transactions arranged amongst parties separated by distance and time.